lördag, augusti 07, 2004

Where life is sheep

Samtidigt, på andra sidan jordklotet:

Nya Zeeland har det statliga institutet för hälsa på arbetsplatserna, the Occupational Safety and Health Service, som alltså är en myndighet under arbetsmarknadsdepartementet, släppt en hälsomanual för arbetare i sexindustrin. Den heter: Sex Industry - A Guide to Occupational Health and Safety in the New Zealand.

These guidelines are based on those developed by the Scarlet Alliance, an Australian forum for sex workers’ rights organisations, and the Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations, titled A Guide to Best Practice: Occupational Health and Safety in the Australian Sex Industry, compiled by David Edler.

OSH acknowledges the New Zealand Prostitutes Collective who provided industry-specific information and understanding of the sex industry in New Zealand.

The Ministry of Health, the New Zealand Police and Local Government New Zealand also made contributions.

OSH’s Strategic Policy Unit led the development of the Guide.

Så framsynt är tyvärr inte vår svenska ministär, även om Björn Rosengren snuddade vid ämnet en gång i tiden.

I den hundra-sidiga manualen ges handfasta råd:

In situations where more than one worker is providing service to a client (e.g. threesomes) it is necessary to ensure that equipment such as vibrators and dildos is not used by one person and then another without being cleaned, disinfected and having a new condom put on first. Ideally each worker should have her/his own toys and equipment, which are not used by other workers. Each worker may choose to use a condom of a different colour in order to identify who has used the dildo last.

När kommer Gunnar Ågren (v) på Folkhälsoinstitutet att leverera en svensk upplaga?